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Our working relationship with CMYK dates back many years, predominantly supporting with print design and fulfilment across many facets of their business. When conversation turned to the branding and creation of a new website, we were more than happy to oblige! 

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We first started with a review of the pre-existing website, alongside stakeholders within the business. During this process we pinpointed concerns, needs and wants from a new online presence. The team wanted a site they were proud to share with their customers, and one that aligned with the internal view of the company, therefore all internal and feedback from their customers was taken onboard during the UX phase of design.

Additionally, as the team didn’t have the ability to update their website without assistance from a developer meaning a slower process to updates and new content. Our preferred route here was the build of a new site using the .NET Umbraco CMS, allowing each team member to act as editor without a need for coding.


With an understanding of their practical needs and aesthetic aspirations, the Big Think team got to work. Initially developing designs, we created several wireframes to get an approved layout. From here, we developed the visual style, expanding the CMYK colour palette to allow for a more creative interpretation of the brand and utilising vector illustrations as the primary source of imagery.

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As an additional resource, we developed brand guidelines to help guide the usage of assets and design elements within the CMYK website and across their other brand communications.

A big part of the design process was the huge volume of content required. CMYK provide a huge breadth of services and resources, all of which had to be presented in line with the new guidelines and be easy to navigate.


Now design was complete, it was time for the build.

We introduced new integrations, including Microsoft Dynamics, which has helped reduce administrative time and improve efficiency of lead management to their sales team. The website is fully responsive, meaning that regardless of screen size, or device, you get the full CMYK experience.


With their neon-kissed website now live, CMYK have decided to roll out this visual style across other areas of their business from business cards and quote templates to their fleet of vehicles. The work’s just starting!