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Aspire Health Clinic - branding & marketing for launch

When Dr Sabharwal approached us to help create and launch his new innovative health clinic we were immediately engaged.

A genuinely fascinating service, Dr Sabharwal specialises in preventative and early intervention healthcare. The more we learned about his offering and his experience, the more we realised the huge potential it has in our ever increasing health conscious society.

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We began exploring various routes for his brand, inspired by the nature of the work and what it would mean to a client.

Preventative healthcare is probably a new term for many people, so how do we encapsulate the objective and the output of this medical practice? A number of identities were created; some rooted in medical terms and others more aligned with the emotional experience.

Ultimately, Aspire Health Clinic was born.

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In order to launch Aspire, we built a sleek and stylish website that reflects the quality and aspirational nature of the brand. We managed the creation of social channels and supported in the design of digital content.

We designed an informative leaflet that was locally distributed pre-opening to help drive awareness in the surrounding area. And to keep that awareness growing, we’re actively working with Aspire on targeted paid digital activity to get this unique and invaluable brand in front of the perfect audience.

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